
Auld Library

Artist: unknown

Object Type: Photographs


Unknown maker. In January 1917, William T. Auld, an area banker and the father-in-law of Jessica Cather Auld, gave $20,000 for the construction of the Auld Library and the purchase of books. Charles Cather was elected the first president of the library board. 
There are a number of photos of Willa Cather reading or reading to children, and of other family members reading. It is clear from these photos, from the family's involvement with the Auld Library, and from Willa's own writing, just how much the Cather family valued literature and story. Willa Cather remained a supporter of the Red Cloud library her whole life, often sending books to the Auld Library for their circulating collection.

Credit Line: PHO-4-W689-553. Willa Cather Pioneer Memorial Collection. Willa Cather Foundation Collections and Archives at the National Willa Cather Center in Red Cloud, Nebraska.